I was ready for a change. I have been in my same department for almost 2 years and I needed to do something new and different. My current desk stresses me the fuck out...to say the least. It involves a certain contract that makes me pull my hair out because its so complicated and volatile. This contract is the reason why I break out like a teenage boy in heat.
I will be leaving this contract and other headache inducing aspects of my desk to the next sucker and I wont have to deal with them any longer. My new desk is completely different and I will be working with a smaller number of contracts so I will be able to go more in detail. Most importantly, its just a new set of procedures, new finance people, new co-workers, new boss....and I needed this change badly. Also, I was told that this move will make a promotion easier if I prove myself...which I have every intention of doing.
This news is just so refreshing, I feel so excited about this. I know this new job wont be easy and it wont be a walk in the park but Im ready to do something different and Im glad Im getting the opportunity to do so.
yay congrats!