Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 2- Your Favorite Movie

Another difficult one that must be narrowed down. I watch so many movies all the time and there are certain movies that I can watch over and over again (Superbad, Mean Girls, 40 Year Old Virgin). I guess if I had to choose one, it would have to be "The Notebook." I've watched this movie over and over and never seem to get tired of it.

Yeah, so unlike me but there is something about this movie that I just love. I love the way it begins and how they tell the story, I love the journey they go through and I particularly like the fact that the happily ever after involves death. I also love both the actors in the movie ( I have a girl crush on Rachel McAddams). Also, the book is even better than the movie.
Noah and Allie are forever in my heart <3

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