Monday, November 29, 2010

Wasted Time and Broken Dreams

In an attempt to get out of my "back to work" funk, I put up a mini Christmas tree in my office cubicle. (See pic on the left) I thought it would cheer me up and get me into the holiday spirit at work, but it did just the opposite. It looks like the saddest tree to ever exist. Every time I look at it, I get more depressed. The picture makes it look worse than in person...and that depresses me even more.

I couldn't sleep last night. I kept thinking about my father. I have had a pretty volatile relationship with him but we have gotten along well the past few years. Actually, we have gotten along ever since I moved out of my parents house a few years ago. When I was younger and dumb, I resented my father for many reasons. I didn't agree with the way I was being raised and I didn't agree with his beliefs. Now that I am older, I understand that he was just trying to protect me and had my best interest at heart, even though it didn't really work the way he thought it would.

I have come to realize that my father is a good man. He has a good heart and wants what is best for everyone but he does not know how to express it. My father seems like he is full of anger but it's because that is the only emotion he is comfortable expressing. He has no filter from brain to mouth and will just blurt out what he is thinking. He comes across as an ogre and he can be very hurtful with his words. He can often be demeaning and spiteful with what he says and sometimes he can be considered verbally abusive.

I spent the night analysing him and trying to understand where his anger is rooted. In my analysis, I realized that my father is a very insecure person. He has many complexes and he cares so much about what others think about him. I think my father has spent his whole life waiting for his own father to show pride in him and approve of him, but my grandfather died and never got around to show him. He will never know if his own father was proud of him. He doesn't feel validated or important because the only approval he ever seeked was never given to him. So he walks around making himself out to be an important, powerful person knowing he is not and I guess that his insecurity makes him angry.

My father is also a very highly intelligent person. He is definitely one of those people that is so smart, they are borderline mental. He has so many theories of why things happen and has many paranoid thoughts, he thinks everyone is out to get him. He hates capitalism, hates the government, hates religions, celebrations, etc. There is always a conspiracy theory behind everything and I think its to make up for what he believes are his failures. His paranoia is an excuse.

I noticed and figured out so many things about him last night, but there was only one thing that affected me. I realized that my father is a very, very unhappy man. He drinks his sorrows away and finds solace at the bottom of an empty bottle. I think he expected to be someone else and is disappointed. I think he had a vision of what he wanted his life to be like and it isn't that. He thought he would be a millionaire by now. His life consists of things that he cant find happiness in and he has resigned himself to that. He isn't drinking to relax and wind down like most do, he is drinking to die. He once told me that the reason he drinks so much is to forget. At the time, I was young and didn't understand what he was trying to forget but I understand it now.

He is drinking to forget his unhappiness, his insecurities, his failures, his misery, his mistakes, his complexes, his unfulfilled desires, his lack of recognition...he is drinking to forget his existence. My father is a very unhappy man and has been for quite some time.

Realizing this kills me and the child in me is thinking it's my fault. Maybe if I would have behaved better...or maybe if I wouldn't have argued so much with him, maybe if I would have focused more on school, maybe if I would have become a doctor or went to a better school, or maybe if I would have stayed living at many maybes. The adult in me knows that it's nothing that I did, that it's not my fault but I cant help but think that I have failed him.

It is a continuous struggle to balance what I give to my father and what he takes from me. My father has let me down more times than I can count. He has taken more than he gives. I have had to lower my expectations of him as a father in order to never be let down again, but what if he has had to do the same of me as his daughter? Should I give more of myself and continue to expect nothing in return? Do I stop trying to make him happy? Do I work harder to please him? I am so torn. I don't want to lose myself in trying to make him happy if he has resigned to his misery but I also don't want to feel like I gave up on him.

My father seems like an arrogant, angry, insecure, old fashioned, alcoholic ogre but in reality he is a lost little boy whose dreams never came true and no matter what happens and no matter how much he continues to hurt me, I forgive him. I know he will never apologize to me but I'm ok with that because I will continue to forgive him. He is not perfect, but he is my father and nothing will ever change that.

Title post from "These Days" by The Black Keys

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

All I Want for Christmas

I was trying to come up with a Wish List for Christmas and I realized that the older I get, the less gifts I want. Christmas is becoming less about gifts and more about spending time with loved ones and just reveling in the holiday spirit.

When I was younger, I used to have a whole list of material things that I wanted and thought I needed. It ranged from toys to clothes to games, and so on. Now, I can only come up with one material thing that I actually need and one that I want but dont really need. The rest of the things I really want are intangible, but mean the most to me.

I guess I am starting to realize that, to me, Christmas is not about gifts and spending money. It is more about preparing myself for a new year to come and giving myself a chance to be born again. Its about realizing what is important to me and being thankful that I am able to gift those I love. It's about reflecting over the past year and counting all the little things as my "gifts."

So here is my Christmas Wish List:

1. Another year to actually live my life
2. Happiness
3. Experience
4. Wisdom
5. Comfort and Security
6. Chi Flat Iron (this is something that I actually do need)
7. Amazon Kindle (dont really need it, just want it)

I don't know when I became such a poster child for a holiday Lifetime movie, but deal with it!

Happy Holidays!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

If You Give Up New York...

I havent been writing as often as I like because I have been busier than usual at work. I have like 4 blog posts started but I have not had a chance to complete, so I am gonna try to complete them now.

As you all know, I went to see Kings of Leon last week. I have been obsessed with their new album "Come Around Sundown" for the past month. One song that really stood out to me was "The Face" particularly because of the following lyric:

"If you give up New York
I"ll give you Tennessee
The only place to be"
I just love the meaning behind this lyric. It is truly a fair proposition. He is asking someone to give up where they are from, a place they love and feel comfortable in, a place they call home. However, in return, he will not let this person feel lost or misplaced, he will give this person his home (Kings of Leon are from Tennessee). He knows that he is asking for so much but he is offering just as much in return. I think this is an ultimate declaration of love on both sides. To give up part of who you are, only to receive part of someone else. The thought is daunting and yet so beautiful. I am so impressed that with this simple lyric, I can feel these emotions.

Another reason this lyric resounds with me is that it makes me really think about the enormity that is New York. There truly is nothing like it in the entire world. I always say that I dont want to spend the rest of my life in New York, and that is true, but this has made me think about what it would feel like when I am finally ready give it up. New York is all I have known. It has been one of the factors in my life that has molded me and shaped me into who I am today.

New York is not an easy place to live in. Its expensive and noisy, it's an all or nothing type of city, dog eat dog, survival of the fittest and not everyone is made for a place like this. But while it has its bad qualities, it is also booming with diversity, culture, lights, sounds, music, people, fashion, cuisine, etc. There are things seen here that you wont see anywhere else and I have finally learned to appreciate the fact that I have had the opportunity to experience this wonderful city. I have also realized that I am not yet ready to give it up....

I Like to Dance All Night...

Last Tuesday, Nov 16th, 2010, I went to see Kings of Leon at Madison Square Garden! It was awesome! I had a blast! I swear me going to a concert, is like telling a kid they are going to Disney. We act the same way.

I had a lot of fun. They played mostly songs from "Only by the Night" instead of their new album, which was perfectly fine with me because they played all my favorites from the new album. It's like their set list was catered to my tastes. I literally jumped up and down with joy when they played "Manhattan," this has to be one of my favorite songs EVER. Take a listen below and tell me that song isnt incredible. I dare you!!!

They even played much older material, like "The Bucket," which is another one of my favorite KOL songs and I had never heard it played live before. I was estatic! Just a great experience overall. The arena was packed and there was so much energy that it was tangible. When they played "Use Somebody" the arena was in such a state of synergy that the arena could have exploded and we wouldnt have noticed. I live for that feeling....the feeling of unity and oneness amongst a crowd of thousands upon thousands of strangers. I've been lucky enough to feel this several times at several different concerts. It is one of those things that you gotta feel at least once in your life. Definitely...

Monday, November 8, 2010


Time flies when you are busy. There are so many things to get done that I dont know when I will catch a break--and this applies to both work and my personal life. There are so many things I want to do and so many things I want to buy but I am limited in every way.

My ipod is acting up. I downloaded a bunch of songs (which I actually paid for thank you very much) and my ipod wont sync with itunes. I updated the SW on the ipod and I updgraded to the latest version of itunes and still nothing. That just pisses me off because I am literally dying to have a personal concert in my car on my drive home from work everyday. These little things keep me sane so dont judge me!

I've really been getting into a lot of indie pop music lately. There are tons of bands that are overlooked because they are not mainstream. In my opinion, that makes their music even better because I feel it is more genuine. They arent gonna make much money off of it so they don't try and turn their music into something that sounds like something popular. I find it so admirable when people do something that they love so much that money doesnt even matter to them. I hope to be like that someday.

Anyway, I decided to make a playlist of the songs that I am really loving right now and I think are to cool for school. Yeah, that's what I named the playlist and yes, I know I am a major dork. Enjoy!

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

And I Wont Be Denied By You...

"Animal" by Neon Trees. This song makes me so freaking happy, it's not even funny. Every time I hear it, I just wanna dance around aimlessly with a big grin on my face. I absolutely love it! And I just love this video. It's pretty clever, in my opinion. Can't wait to hear more from this band. Am I the only one that feels this way about this song? Check it out:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Beginning of Winter

As I had mentioned, it is starting to feel like winter. While I dont really like the cold, I have realized that I dont like the heat either. I am a fall and spring girl. Always inbetween two extremes.

It could also be that New York winters are just so unbearable. Maybe I would do better in a Georgia or Mississippi winter. Who knows?

In any case, I am welcoming the winter this year. For some reason, I am a little excited for it. I am in the mood to sip on hot chocolate while bundled in a nice warm blanked watching TV on my couch because I am snowed in. I have good winter memories. It was 2 winters ago that I took a 2 week vacation and just stayed home the whole time. I was snowed in most days so I did some reading and cleaning and it was just so great and relaxing. I loved it. I want to do it again this year.

But besides lounging around in a warm bundle, I also want to make sure I take advantage of winter activities. So, like I did for Fall, I am making a winter list. I think I am gonna do one for every season change and see how much I can accomplish. I like these lists because they give me a sense of purpose and some goals to attain. If it was up to me my goal this winter would be to catch every movie on Lifetime.

Here is my list, in no particular order:

Things To Do This Winter

1. Drink gingerbread flavored drinks (and eggnog and other cinnamon/pumpkin drinks and peppermint hot chocolates from Starbucks)
2. Make a gingerbread house
3. Build a snowman/make snow angels/snow ball fight
4. Go ice skating
5. Crochet a hat/scarf/mitten set
6. Get my Christmas shopping done early
7. Watch a play
8. Roast marshmallows
9. Go to the zoo or Botanical Garden
10. Concerts!
11. Put up Christmas lights
12. See a frozen lake
13. Take pictures of icicles on trees...take more pictures in general
14. Get a poinsettia plant and not kill it
15. Homemade bread

Let's see how this goes!

End of Autumn

My magic wand has officially passed away just shy of its 4 year mark. I am deeply saddened but have decided to purchase another one. The wand will always be with me in spirit. RIP

On a lighter note, it is starting to feel like winter. As crazy as this sounds, I am actually not bothered by this. I look forward to doing many winter-y things this year. I made a list for the fall and I was able to do most of the things on my list and I ended up adding things to it as well.

This is my complete fall list:

1. Take more walks-didnt get to do to much of this, but I still have some time to walk around
2. Take pictures of the trees and leave colors -Still have time, the leaves are more beautiful than ever at this very moment. Especially on the highways I take to work.
3. Collect twigs and leaves and make something out of it -Decided to skip this one
4. Drink lots of any warm liquid that is pumpkin flavored- I had several pumpkin spice lattes and also tried caramel apple latte, which was delicious
5. Infuse my home with autumn scents- Apple Cinnamon Glade plug ins!
6. Make pumpkin bread and sweet potatoe pies-Made pumpkin pancakes a few times. Still have time to make pies. I also made cinnamon bread, which is very autumn-y
7. Go to Farmers Markets- got some delicious organic sundried tomatoes
8. Go apple picking- had a blast! The apples were amazing. I tried a new porkchop recipe with them and it was so good. I also got apple cider, which was excellent (especially with some spiced Captain Morgan rum he he)
9. Go row boating in Central Park- :( didnt get a chance to do it and they close the lake in Nov , so I'll have to wait til next year.
10. Rake a pile of leaves and then jump in-most likely not gonna happen, I live in a building, but if I see a pile of leaves anywhere, I'm gonna jump in
11. Try new recipes-tried a new cupcake/frosting recipe which was disappointing. I also tried an apple and porkchop recipe that was great. I am proud to announce that I also made shepherd's pie and created a brownie recipe. Both were exquisite!
12. Go to the zoo-had a blast! I was like a kid in a candy store.
13. Haunted House Tour/Walk-Did one in NYC and it was so fun and informative.
14. Wear Autumn scents-Thanks to Bath and Body Work Pumpkin Cinnamon Spice
15. Have a picnic-I have always wanted to do this one, but looks like I'll have to wait for the Spring

So that was my Fall list. I am gonna make a winter list in another post. Let's see how much of that one I can accomplish