So, my favorite quote changes from time to time. Currently, I have two favorite quotes. One of them was in a fortune cookie (yeah, I was very surprised) and it said:
"The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything"
What a fuckawesome quote, in my opinion. To me it says that the way to heal everything is to not feel anything. If there is nothing there, then what could go wrong? Its a sad way to think but its something that I agree with to some extent.
My second favorite quote is one I just read recently in that book I keep talking about, "Looking for Alaska" by John Green. It says:
"Everything that comes together falls apart. When you stop wishing things wouldnt fall apart, you'd stop suffering when they did"
I beleive this was something The Buddha said and unfortunately, I think its painfully realistic. It also makes complete sense. This is the way of the world and its something that at some point, I have to accept.