Friday, December 28, 2012

This Year

There is a new year coming and I am feeling optimistic. I feel like this is going to be the year where I make the changes in my life that will lead me to being happy. This is the year where I hope to start the rest of my life.

I plan on paying off all my debt and starting fresh for 2014. I plan on traveling, finally losing those last 20lbs, cooking more, eating healthier, getting a new job, saving money, having fun, and just living. I want this to be the year where I look back and pinpoint it as the start of when things got good. I want to work on having a good and healthy marriage. I want to have fun.

I will try to stay this positive throughout and we will see where this positivity will take me.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

2012 A Year in Review

Well I definitely don't write here as often as I did in the past. I truly don't know why because I love to write and I'm sure I could find the time a few days a week. I guess I'll make that a New Year's Resolution then. It's not too early to start talking about the new year since we are exactly 18 days away from 2013.

It really feels like this year just flew by. There are so many things that happen in 12 months but it all just feels like yesterday so it's hard to grasp the fact that so much time has gone by.So I put together a list of all my favorite things that happened in 2012. I think I am gonna try to do this every year going forward.

2012: My Favorite Events
-The triplets turned one
-Made 7 years with Victor
-Saw The Black Keys in concert for the first time
-Visited my godsister in VA
-Started planning my wedding 
-Took Alyssa to get her first haircut
-Went apple picking
-Got a Keurig
-My little brother graduated from high school
-Helped my brother move into his dorm
-Victor got his Associates Degree
-Had the opportunity to spend some time in Argentina and Uruguay
- Got to vacation in Dominican Republic with all my best friends and family
-Got MARRIED in Dominican Republic
-Lost 20lbs and have kept them off 
-Went to a family reunion for a second year in a row
-Voted for the 3rd time in my life!
-Planned a baby shower :)
-Got to see the triplets begin to grow up
I'm sure there is much more but I cant remember it all. This gives me hope for 2013 because so many wonderful things happened in 2012 without me even making an effort. Come next year, I will make an effort and I think it will be a good year :)