Friday, October 21, 2011

I've Sorted Out My Life..My Tragic Life

I need to get back into the flow of blogging more often. I realized it has been almost a month since my last blog. I guess I'll just list some things I have been up to:

1. Spending lots and lots of time with three beautiful and perfect babies

Aaron, Alyssa and Alex

2. Enjoying I Am The Avalanche's new album "Avalanche United" Good job guys!
I love how eventhough Vinny is the lead singer, he is not in the center of the picture of the album cover. The message this sends is that although he is technically the "frontman" they are a band and he is not the only one to represent them. :)

3. Still trying to make my new apartment a home. It's still a bit empty but I'm getting there

4. Really feeling good ever since I started my non-processed foods diet. I am only eating natural and healthy things. Nothing boxed or canned, no carbs at all and absolutely no fast food anymore. I've been doing it for 2 weeks and I feel amazing. I cook all my meals and eat a ridiculous amounts of vegetables daily. I have more strenght and energy and I automatically wake up after 7 hrs of sleep without a problem. I am super surprised at what an overall difference I feel from just removing all the crap I used to eat from my diet.

5. I joined a Fitness Study where I get three 30 minute sessions with a professional trainer every week for 3 weeks. It's to test out the level of fitness in people who dont work out on a regular basis (yours truly). They took all my stats (weight, bmi, body fat percentage, etc) and then they will take them again at the end of the three weeks and compare them to show that just working out 3 times a week makes a difference. I've done one complete week and the soreness in my body has never felt so good.

6. Almost done watching Season 3 of True Bloodand hating that I have to wait til Season 4 comes out to watch it on DVD.

7. Absolutely hating that I'm too cheap to pay for Showtime so I am missing Season 6 of Dexter. I miss you Dexter!! Also, as of Season 5, Debra doesnt annoy me as much as she did in the first 4 seasons...weird

8. Seriously deciding whether I want to remain at current place of my employment or take a risk and find something with another company. The pay is not increasing but my responsibility is and the flexibility my company provides me is no longer worth it. Also, maybe I want to go back to school to get my masters...but I dont know if I'm ready for that just yet

9. Looking for ways to spend some quality time with Victor

10. Really enjoying the fall weather and the season in general. Loving all the cinnamon, nutmeg and pumpkin. Unfortunately, I dont drink pumpkin lattes anymore but I make my own coffee with pumpkin spice in it :) I am also looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas and making sure these holidays are extra special for the triplets :)

Title post is from "Holy Fuck" by I Am The Avalanche

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