Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blue Valentine

I saw the movie "Blue Valentine" yesterday. I had been wanting to see it since I heard rave reviews when it premiered a few weeks ago. I, being an avid supporter and watcher of all independent films, am very interested in indie movies with great reviews.

Ryan Gosling, which is one of my favorite actors, is the star of the film along with Michelle Williams. This movie was the most beautiful, tragically realistic movie I have ever seen. It is about a relationship between two people that love each other but somehow grew apart. They switch back and forth between the current state of their relationship and how it begun. This movie depicts ordinary family life, an ordinary relationship, ordinary people...there is not really a plot to this movie, no climax, it is just the lives of two people who fell in love and who are struggling to stay there.

Their love story is not one that has not been seen or heard of before. Their relationship is nothing new but it is so refreshing to watch a true love story, not some fairy tale Disney movie. And that is the crazy thing about this movie, although everything in normal, it is depicted so realistically that its like you are seeing things for the first time...really seeing things. It sucks you in and makes you relate because it might not have happened to you, but you know someone who has gone through what you are watching. I think that makes this movie absolutely brilliant.

This movie made me laugh and it made me cry...and I do NOT cry when watching movies EVER because I know that it is a movie. It is not really happening. But I had big, fat tears rolling down my cheeks. It hit so close to home in so many aspects and in so many little scenes. It got me thinking about so many things, like is falling out of love is inevitable? If that is the case, then do we really fall in love? How do I know I wont end up like them in the future? Does love really last or do people just end up faking it? Why does time end up destroying love?

Does love exist at all?

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