Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I am so excited that it is September 1st today. Yes, time has flown by at alarming speed but I am excited because September means that it is almost Autumn!

I love this time of year passionately. It's not too warm (although its been over 90 degrees lately) but its not too cold. There is just a clean, crisp chill in the air. Perfect to have some hot chocolate or some apple cider or warm pumpkin spice coffee. I love the colors associated with Autumn-the bright burnt oranges and reds and the browns and dark yellows. I love the smells associated with this season-the pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon, hazelnut, etc. I absolutely love it!!!

I wish I could find a place where it was permanently fall. I think that would make me really happy. Since Fall only lasts like 2 months, I am going to take advantage of it this year. Here are 10 things I plan to do:

1. Take more walks
2. Take pictures of the trees and leave colors
3. Collect twigs and leaves and make something out of it
4. Drink lots of any warm liquid that is pumpkin flavored
5. Infuse my home with autumn smells
6. Make pumpkin bread and sweet potatoe pies
7. Go to Farmers Markets
8. Go apple picking
9. Go row boating in Central Park
10. Rake a pile of leaves and then jump in

I guess that's all I have for now. If anyone else has any other activities, I'd love to hear them.

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