Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Moment Like This

I urge anyone who comes accross this blog to check out another blog called: Collect 365 Moments. (Linked) A friend of mine (Delilah) just started this project where she will capture one random moment every day for the next year and will post the picture on the blog. I think its a pretty cool idea. It would be interesting to see what kinds of pictures we will see everyday and the whole collection at year end. She just started this two days ago, so there are currently only two pics. Both awesome pics...I might add.

We take so many things for granted these days. We never stop to just enjoy something like a random moment because we are so used to them that they no longer have value to us. Yet its these little moments that we dont even think about that make life meaningful. I know this sounds like the whole "stop and smell the roses" speech that is so overused and so corny, but the reality is: when was the last time you literally just stopped to smell the roses? When was the last time that you were so much in tune with your reality that it felt like a fantasy? When was the last time you stopped something you were doing and actually thought about what it was you were doing?

It is so easy to beleive that the world is simply you and your sorroundings, but there is so much out there that we have yet to see. And there are so many things that we have seen so many times that we are desensitized. I think that project Collect 365 Moments will be a great way to see every day things from a perspective that is not your own and because of that, I beleive, that eventually all moments will mean something again.


  1. Have I ever mentioned to you how much I love your writing? I've always felt that you have a way with words. You make everything seem so exciting to read, even when you are just venting or what have you.

    I guess I'm taking this moment to express my appreciation for it/you.

  2. I really loved this post! you said everything that I want to convey with the project! Thanks so much for the plug! I heart you!
