Friday, June 3, 2011

We Could've Had It All...

Hey there...lots going on lately. I definitely plan on getting back into the flow of blogging more often. I have one of those 30 day blog things in mind, so it will force me to blog every day for a month.

Anyway, lately I have been OBSESSED with Adele's new album, 21. I eat, breathe, sleep and shit this album. No joke....I need help to get over this addiction.

21 is a breakup album and boy did this asshole break Adele's heart. You could certainly feel her pain in her lyrics, in the melodies and just in the way she sings. Some songs border on pathetic but she realistically depicts the pain that comes from heartache. Not everyone can just get over a lost love quickly. Sometimes we need to wallow in pity and in pain. Sometimes we need to be consumed whole by this pain to point where we burst. Sometimes we need to analyze ourselves and blame ourselves for what happened. Sometimes we need to promise to be better, to change, to be what this other person needs. Sometimes we need to reach the lowest of the low in every possible way in order to rise back up again, rebuild ourselves and find the strenght to move on.

Adele certainly went through this healing process and you can feel it in this album. Songs like "One and Only" and "Don't You Remember" where she begs this guy to love her and think about her again. She focuses on what could have been and blames herself. But then there are songs like "Rolling in the Deep" where she realizes that he played her and fooled her and she threatens to "lay his shit bare" if he sells her out. Also "Set the Fire to the Rain" where she talks about how she fell for him but she had to start to let go because she realized there was a "side to him that she never knew."

She finally ends the album with "Someone Like You" where she talks about how this guy has moved on and is now married. You get the feeling that she has realized she has no choice but to let him go. She wishes him "nothing but the best," however, she begs him not to forget her to which he responds that "sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead." She has accepted this to be true and you feel the album end with healing.

I definitely recommend this album in its entirety. I have loved Adele for quite some time and I am so happy she is finally getting the public recognition she deserves. Below is the one song I am stuck on. It's called "One and Only." I sang this to one of my 4 month old nephews, Aaron, and he smiled at me the entire time. Not only is this song beautiful, but I picture his smiling face everytime I hear it.


  1. I love love love your writing. Will def check out this album, thanks to you 8)

  2. Ahh that's the song I'm stuck on right now too! I drove from Richmond singing my voice sore to that song. I've already decided that's my first ever drunk karaoke song :D. Let's make it a duet!

  3. YES!!! Mission accomplished! I want everyone to go to Adele Rehab.

    Mede, I could definitely make this my first ever drunk karaoke song. I LOVE IT!!
