Tuesday, November 2, 2010

End of Autumn

My magic wand has officially passed away just shy of its 4 year mark. I am deeply saddened but have decided to purchase another one. The wand will always be with me in spirit. RIP

On a lighter note, it is starting to feel like winter. As crazy as this sounds, I am actually not bothered by this. I look forward to doing many winter-y things this year. I made a list for the fall and I was able to do most of the things on my list and I ended up adding things to it as well.

This is my complete fall list:

1. Take more walks-didnt get to do to much of this, but I still have some time to walk around
2. Take pictures of the trees and leave colors -Still have time, the leaves are more beautiful than ever at this very moment. Especially on the highways I take to work.
3. Collect twigs and leaves and make something out of it -Decided to skip this one
4. Drink lots of any warm liquid that is pumpkin flavored- I had several pumpkin spice lattes and also tried caramel apple latte, which was delicious
5. Infuse my home with autumn scents- Apple Cinnamon Glade plug ins!
6. Make pumpkin bread and sweet potatoe pies-Made pumpkin pancakes a few times. Still have time to make pies. I also made cinnamon bread, which is very autumn-y
7. Go to Farmers Markets- got some delicious organic sundried tomatoes
8. Go apple picking- had a blast! The apples were amazing. I tried a new porkchop recipe with them and it was so good. I also got apple cider, which was excellent (especially with some spiced Captain Morgan rum he he)
9. Go row boating in Central Park- :( didnt get a chance to do it and they close the lake in Nov , so I'll have to wait til next year.
10. Rake a pile of leaves and then jump in-most likely not gonna happen, I live in a building, but if I see a pile of leaves anywhere, I'm gonna jump in
11. Try new recipes-tried a new cupcake/frosting recipe which was disappointing. I also tried an apple and porkchop recipe that was great. I am proud to announce that I also made shepherd's pie and created a brownie recipe. Both were exquisite!
12. Go to the zoo-had a blast! I was like a kid in a candy store.
13. Haunted House Tour/Walk-Did one in NYC and it was so fun and informative.
14. Wear Autumn scents-Thanks to Bath and Body Work Pumpkin Cinnamon Spice
15. Have a picnic-I have always wanted to do this one, but looks like I'll have to wait for the Spring

So that was my Fall list. I am gonna make a winter list in another post. Let's see how much of that one I can accomplish

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