Monday, March 8, 2010

It's A New Day....And I'm Feeling Good

It looks like Spring is on its way and I have to say that knowing this puts me in a good mood. I woke up feeling so good yesterday. There was sunshine coming into my bedroom and I actually heard birds chirping. It is unbeleivable how postively this weather affects me.

I was so motivated yesterday that I scrubbed my entire kitchen and bathroom, did laundry, cleaned the rest of the house (including mopping), went to the gym, AND made cupcakes that were so moist, they fall apart in your mouth.

I would say yesterday was quite productive.

I love it when I step outside and the air is crisp and full of sunshine. That warmth just completes me. It actually puts a smile on my face...and that is a difficult thing to do. This further convinces me that I need to live in a place where the weather is always like this. I am not built for cold and snowy winters, I need warmth and sunshine. If I were braver I would pack my shit and just head to west coast and settle somewhere. Unfortunately, I am not that spontaneous and a move like that would take careful calculation and months of deliberation. So, to me, a move like that is something that only happens in movies.

Anyways, the way I feel today is so foreign to me. Do you know when you are so excited that you cant sit still? I feel this way today because I feel like I have so many things to look forward to in the coming weeks. I have a few concerts to go to, a few birthdays coming up, paintballing, .... Im even looking forward to going to the gym today! Ugh, I dont even know who I am today.

Is this what happiness feels like?

Title is lyric from "Feeling Good" Michael Buble's version (Muse's version is my second favorite)

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