Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 13-Your 5 Favorite Books and Why

Man it is very hard to make decisions!! I am trying my best, here goes (in no particular order):

1. The Catcher in the Rye-JD Salinger

I read this book in high school and then re-read it recently and realized how much I loved this book. This books really describes the difficulty of realizing that you are becoming an adult. Everything changes when you no longer view the world with the wonder that kids do and this book shows that it really isnt easy to handle and the truth is that it really fucks with our head.

2. The Notebook-Nicholas Sparks

I saw the movie first and when I found out there was a book, I knew I had to read it. I am not one to be a sucker for love stories, but I loved this one. The book was better than the movie and it is just a beautiful story over all. It shows that true love does last, no matter what happens and its nice to have that hope sometimes.

3.Looking For Alaska-John Greene

A friend recommended this book and it quicklybecame a favorite. It is another book about growing up and seeing things through different eyes. Going through adult situtations, making adult decisions all while trying to hold on to your childhood. Some of us cant handle adulthood, and some of us have been adults our whole lives.

4. The Five People You Meet in Heaven-Mitch Albom

This book made me realize that everyone is connected in some way. All of our actions affect other people. We might think that we have nothing to do with the person sitting next to us, but we have some sort of impact on everyone at some point in time. I realized that the world is much more than just me and my family, New York, my job, my friends, etc. Knowing this is both scary and amazing at the same time.

5. Twilight Series-Stephenie Meyer

Technically this could count as 4 books, but I'll count it as one VERY VERY long book since it is a series. I usually dont read anything fantasy or anything romance but I saw the first movie and was very interested in the books. I guess that deep down, we all like a good love story. The vampires make it interesting and the passion and love demonstrated between Edward and Bella is admirable. Everyone has an Edward and that is good to know

1 comment:

  1. I read the Catcher in high school and loved it, however i reread it some years back and all i can remember is hating that book.

    Guess i should read it once more.
