Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We All Fall Short of Glory

I'm gonna interrupt my attempt to blog everyday for a month since I didnt exactly do it right anyway.

This morning while watching the video for "Closer to the Edge" by 30 Seconds to Mars, someone in the video said "Dont regret anything you do because in the end it makes you who you are," and for some reason this really hit home.

I have spent the past few years of my life regretting everything I ever did wrong. Every decision that didnt lead to a good outcome, every word that came out wrong, every action that was misinterpreted, every look, every breath, just pretty much EVERYTHING I have ever done. I had never stopped to realize that all these decisions I have made, have made me who I am today.

If it wasnt for all these actions that I punish myself over, what would my life be like today? If it wasnt for all these mistakes that keep me up at night, then what other problems would? If it wasnt for all the guilt I have felt, then what would I be feeling right now? Who would I be?

If I had this realization a few years back, I would have wished to not have any regrets and just risk being somebody else. But at this very moment in time, I am old enough and confident enough to know that I am who I am and I cannot change that. All of these regrets have taught me lessons. They have shaped me and made me a smarter and wiser person, and I cannot regret experiencing things that have had such a huge impact on my very being.

Perhaps the most powerful part of this realization, is that I finally accept myself. I realized that I really dont want to be anybody else... I just want to be a better version of myself.

Here is the 30 Seconds to Mars video:

Title post from "Closer to the Edge"

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