Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 15-A Fanfic

Well, I am embarrassed to admit that I do read fanfic once in a while. I'll chalk it up to being bored and just wanting to read ANYTHING that crosses my path. The way I stumbled upon fanfic was during the peak of my obession with Twilight. I had just finished reading the series and felt like I couldnt get enough of the books and wanted more, so I went on the author's website and she had links to other websites that had Twilight info and discussion boards.

Being bored, slightly obsessed and curious, I checked it out. Thats when I saw Twilight fanfic and having no idea what it was I clicked. This is when I discovered that people write their own stories using characters from the Twilight series. I also saw the people do it for Harry Potter and other books and even TV shows like The Office,etc.

So I just admitted my deepest darkest secret, but Im not ashamed because some stories are actually pretty good. They are like books, but they use the same names as the Twilight characters. One of the fanfics I would recommend is Wide Awake. Apparently, its very popular in the fanfic world and it is literally like reading a novel. The characters have completely different personalities and backgrounds, and the story kept me on my toes. I also love how each chapter is named after a cookie :)

I know whoever is reading this must be laughing, but I have no shame!!!

If you have time, check out Wide Awake

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